About Us
The FRUDEV carrier started in 2018 still our success is showcase by trusted, On-time delivering Project, 24/7 support, with dedicated teams with expertise in every IT Sectors. Our various services such as Mobile App Development, Digital Marketing, LOGO Design and Web Development.
B2B Application
We develop a B2B based application to take you business into next level of modern world.
B2C Application
B2C always have the major role, We designed the appliction in such a way to fullfill your customer needs.
Hybrid Application
We are master in developing and supporting hybrid application to reduce the maintenance and time for you.
Business Operations for a Digital World We help design, enable, and execute business operations to generate customer value.
Web Design & Development
We aim at helping the potential customers to create both offline and online initiatives successfully in the fields of website designing, development and graphics.
We are using the advanced SEO strategies for your website to the NUMBER 1 Spot that makes you happy and Our customized digital marketing service uses a variety of white hat methods.
Android & IOS & Windows
Our Android & IOS app development services will help to define the right technologies from the tech of today to the emerging tech of tomorrow. We had a good experience in Windows services and windows based B2B and B2C application.
Designing Works
Logo Designing is the start point of any business. Logo gives instant recognition of your business and it also helps you build your brand.
- Brand Image
- Banner Image
- Logo
- Business Card Design
Nothing is out of your reach with the huge world of Internet of Things. Get incredible assistance in the implementation of IoT to open new success doors.
- Home Automation
- Raspberry Voice Assistant
- Device Monitoring
- Image recognition
Last Updated on 14-09-2022

Aaron - Tax
Delivered on time, Reasonable cost, Best support.

KrishnaKumar - Prakash Expp
After I met Frudev Tech, my profit increased up to 28% than the previous financial year. Development, AMC also very reasonable price.

Murali - Magickofhealing
Development time and cost are very reasonable. Whenever I need support, the team is available to respond..
Contact Us
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India